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Spring Workshop with Alison Board

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

Mixed Media Workshop 22nd April 2023 with Alison Board

A number of members, some beginners, some very experienced and everything in between met in Four Marks Village Hall for a workshop with Alison Board.

Alison has had an extensive and varied career. She lives in Dorset and her experimental style is influenced by the countryside that surrounds her.

Alison regularly demonstrates for the SAA (Society of all Artists) and is developing her own range of ethical watercolour paints.

Alison made it clear that it everything we did would be experimental, possibly out of our comfort zone and there was no right or wrong.

She wouldn’t be telling us exactly what to do or what colours to use but encouraging us to see what we could do.

We started with a photocopy of a Scottish scene which we tore into strips and placed wherever we liked on our paper, before linking them together in a composition.

The colour palette was our choice with a maximum of 4 colours, preferably 3. Ali suggested a mid-tone, a dark and a bright feature colour.

These could be our favourite colours, suggesting a Scottish hillside covered in heather.

Colours were used neat and not deliberately mixed although as we were working fairly wet some mixing did happen on the page. White gouache was used for highlights.

Although we were all out of our comfort zone it was a very enjoyable day with some remarkable results.

If you are interested, you can find out more about Alison and her workshops on her website

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