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TPG July/August Update

Hi Everyone,

Can’t believe we are nearly seven months through 2023 already and the nights have started to draw back in, before we all know it it’ll be Christmas again. Don’t forget that we are taking a summer break during August, so after this coming TPG session (Thursday 27th July) we will not meet up again until Thursday 7th September.

A few things to update you on:-

  • The price increase per person from £4 to £5 starts from the beginning of September 2023 when the Group returns from the summer break during August. So from Thursday 7th September the session cost will be £5.

  • The Malting’s management have had a re-think and the afternoon sessions will continue to run from 13:00hrs - 17:00hrs and will not now be moving to 13:30 – 17:30 as previously indicated.

  • I have had discussions with Nancy at the Allen gallery and she has confirmed that TPG can hold an Exhibition at the Gallery next year (2024). It will be for TPG members only and you will be able to sell your hung paintings, folios and cards. It is a possibility that we may get a slot this coming Christmas if a booking pulls out, failing that there isn’t any availability until Autumn 2024 and as AAS hold’s it’s Annual Exhibition in October we would be looking to hold TPG’s Exhibition around Christmas 2024. I am waiting for the Allen Gallery to come back to me with possible dates for the Exhibition.

  • As you know Gail Williams has developed a new Website for the Society and has set up a separate page for TPG. If you would like your profile details and any of your paintings displayed on our Web Page please liaise with Gail.

  • For Lead members – On Thursdays if you are the ‘Lead’ for a TPG session, when you open up the cash tin would you please check that the B/Fwd cash amount entered on the attendee control sheet for that Thursday agrees with the actual cash in the C/T. Should it not agree please can you note any difference on the sheet.

If you have any comments or suggestions on how the TPG operates then please let me know.

Hope to see you all next Thursday (27th July),

Best wishes,


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