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TPG - November/December Update

Hi All,

Only seven weeks until Christmas – where has the year gone!

Still we have five TPG sessions left before we break for Christmas and of course our first Group Social Event, our Christmas Luncheon at The White Hart – Holybourne, to look forward to.

Thank you Mary for organising our Festive Social, if any of you haven’t sent your £10 deposit to Mary please do so asap.

Two Dates when The Paint Group is Not Running

As most of us will be at the White Hart on the 7th December our room at the Maltings has been cancelled. As we did last year, there will be no Paint Group session on the Thursday (21st December) before Christmas.

New Year Restart

We will resume in 2024 on 11th January and I will be sending out the Lead Rota for the first three months of 2024 at the beginning of December.

Allen Gallery Update

Regarding the possibility of holding a TPG Exhibition at the Allen Gallery in 2024, I have spoken to Nancy at the gallery again about a date. She is still unable to allocate dates for November or December next year, so I have said we would be happy to just have the reception area, which has limited space to hang paintings, for our first Exhibition. Nancy has confirmed that there are slots available throughout the year and I have indicated that Easter time might be a good time to hold it. She will come back to me soon with possible dates.

Upcoming Society Demonstrations

Just to remind you that the Society has two Demonstrations coming up before Christmas, on Saturday 18th November (Max Hale-portrait in oils) and Saturday 16th December (Marilyn Allis-The Farmyard/mixed media)

Look forward to seeing you all this coming Thursday (9th Nov)

Kind regards,


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