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TPG September Update

Hi all,

Where did August go, hope you have all been painting during our break. So by way of a reminder the TPG resumes from this Thursday, 7th September, and John Holden will be Leading the session. Hopefully you are all raring to go from this coming Thursday, despite summer only just starting this week!

I unfortunately will not be able to attend this Thursday but look forward to seeing you all on the TPG session on 14th September.

Please note that the price increase takes effect from this Thursday, which is now £5 per session.

Other things to update you on:-

  1. TPG Sessions remain at the Maltings every Thursday between 13:00 – 17:00hrs

  2. Re our TPG Exhibition to be held at the Allen Gallery in 2024 – Nancy has now informed me that the possible slot at Christmas 2023 is no longer available so it will be Nov/Dec 2024. Nancy has yet to give us dates but once confirmed I will let you know. It will be for TPG members only and you will be able to sell your hung paintings, folios and cards.

  3. As you know Gail Williams has developed a new Website for the Society and has set up a separate page for TPG. Our Chair person, Annabel Young, would like to see more members’ profile details and any of their paintings displayed on the Web Site. Please therefore liaise with Gail Williams, AAS’s Web Master, to discuss putting your details and/or your art work on the Web page. Annabel sees this as a good way to encourage new members to join the Society.

  4. Don’t forget that the deadline for entering your art work in this year’s Exhibition in October is Friday 15thSeptember 2023.

  5. If you have any comments or suggestions on how the TPG operates then please let me know.

John will welcome you all back on Thursday and I will look forward to seeing you all the following week.

Best wishes,


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