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Summer Letter from our Chair, Annabel Young

At the AGM I asked all of you to try and promote our Art Society as we need more members. So, when the opportunity arose in the form of Forces Day in Anstey Park, I organised a stand for the Alton Art Society to be represented.

It was a lovely sunny day in June and a few Art Society members and Thursday painters spent a great day in Anstey Park painting, sketching and networking.

There was a fair amount of interest and hopefully we will have some new members joining us. Non artists say they are no good at art but when quizzed they admit they haven’t tried since leaving school.

Some say they are not good enough to join our Society and would be embarrassed, so I emphasised that we all have to start somewhere.

Three people at the Forces Day said they wanted to join an art class; perhaps this is something we should work on to encourage new members.

Our new website will do a lot to promote our Society as it is very fresh and exciting. Please make sure you get your profile and paintings on the site. Our thanks to Gail for her hard work.

In 2024 Alton will be holding an Arts Festival and we will have a wonderful opportunity to recruit new people. So, I am hoping that all of you will get involved with events to promote the AAS.

The Summer programme, organised by Sue Robinson has now ended. Sue found some wonderful venues and were enjoyed by those who attended.

With Winter approaching we will be setting up the Annual Exhibition and watching artists demonstrating their art. Bring a friend or neighbour along to a demonstration, they may be amazed and catch the bug.

We have lost Sophie Garrett, our camera lady, as she is off to University. So once again I am asking if anyone could take on this job. If we could just get three people interested it is a task that could be done on a rota basis. After all we only have six demonstrations per year. If you are interested, please contact me.

So best foot forward, let’s have a wonderful Exhibition and interesting demonstrations.


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